2015-05-25 15:55:34 k73电玩之家 作者:zdwyu
athletic 运动员:builds up 1 less fatigue for each tile travelled 每走一格的疲劳减少1点
asthmatic 哮喘:-5 fatigue recovery per turn 每回合回复疲劳-5
brute 残忍: 对头部的伤害+15% 近战技能-5
brave 勇敢:意志+5
bleeder 血流不止:will receive bleeding damage for 1 additional turn 每回合受到额外1点出血伤害
bright 聪明:经验+10%
craven 胆小鬼:意志-10
clumsy 笨拙:近战技能-5
clubfooted 畸形足:builds up 1 more fatigue for each tile travelled 每走一格的疲劳增加1点
cocky 自大:意志+5 近战防御-5 远程防御-5
double grip 双手抓握(所有人自带):with the second hand free,this character can get a firm double grip on his weapon and inflicts additional damage 当一只手空着并持有单手武器时伤害+25%(对匕首和小刀无效)
drunkard 酒鬼:伤害+10% 主动+5 近战技能-5 远程技能-10
determined 坚定:will start combat at confident morale 充满士气地开始战斗
dexterous 灵巧:近战技能+5
dumb 哑巴:经验-15%
dastard 懦夫:will start combat at wavering morale 战斗开始时士气动摇
deathwish 死亡之愿:no morale check triggered upon losing hitpoint 失去生命值不会触发士气检定
disloyal 不忠诚:当你没有钱和补给时会更快离开
eagle eyes 鹰眼:视力+1
founding member 创始成员:近战技能+5 远程技能+5 意志+5
fragile 脆弱:生命-10
fearless 大胆:意志+10
fat 肥:生平+5 最大疲劳-15
fainthearted 胆怯:意志-5
gluttonous 贪吃:tasty,let's have another one!better bring extra provisions when traveling with this character and expect them to leave fast if you ever run out of provisions entirely 有这个人物外出时最好带上额外的补给,并且如果你补给消耗光了他们会更快离开
greedy 贪婪:(同上)钱要得多,没钱就走
hesitant 犹豫不决:主动-10
insecure 靠不住:will never be of confident morale 永远不会充满士气
irrational 不理性:has +10 or -10 resolve randomly at every morale check 每次士气检定随机+10或-10意志
iron lungs 铁肺:每回合回复疲劳+5
loya 忠诚:i'm with you!this character is loyal to the end and much less likely to leave you even if you run out of crowns and provisions 这个角色不太可能离开你,即使你没有钱和补给
optimist 乐天主义:+5 resolve at positive morale checks 在正面士气的检定时意志+5
pessimist 悲观主义:-5 resolve at negative morale checks 在负面士气的检定时意志-5
quick 迅速的:主动+10
strong 强壮:最大疲劳+15
sure footing 站稳脚跟:近战防御+5
superstitious 迷信:在恐慌或精神控制的影响下做恐惧对士气的检定时,意志-10
short sighted 近视:视力-1
spartan 简朴:吃得少,没食物也不会迅速离开
tiny 小个:近战防御+5 远程防御+5 伤害-15%
tough 强韧:生命+10
wavering 动摇:意志-5 近战技能-5 远程技能-5
fleeing 逃跑(逃离敌人并无法控制):意志-15 近战技能-10 远程技能-10 近战防御-10 远程防御-10
confident 充满信心:近战技能+5 远程技能+5 近战防御+5 远程防御+5