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时间:2014-11-25 14:17:45 来源:口袋吧 作者:嘟嘟之魂 热度: 4290



口袋妖怪蓝宝石 汉化版下载

  • 类型:角色扮演
  • 大小:2 GB
  • 平台:3DS, New 3DS
  • 语言:完美汉化


就在他走出去时,他说了一句话,“三天……再过三天胡巴就可以突破界限了……” 我又醉了……心里想着,“别用这种无稽之谈来吓我了!”,虽然是这么想,但我的衣服都被冷汗浸湿了。想太多也没用,于是我打开了包裹,发现了一个脏兮兮的旧瓶子。唔……这TM在逗我?我打开了瓶子,结果发现毛都没有!感觉被玩了……

原文:Sigh... I have today off from work, but it’s like... Just thinking about going back tomorrow is dragging me down. I feel so unmotivated.
Hey, do you have a minute for a story? This is something that happened when I was watching the store one time...
It was, like, a totally dark night. Moonless. And I was all, “No way! This is so-o-o-o creepy!” Then, suddenly—whoosh! Out of nowhere, the automatic sliding door...slides open. And then this super-duper-scary old guy comes in, kinda unsteady, you know? Kinda shambling...
So I’m thinking how terrible and scary is this, and then the old guy shuffles over to me... He has a package, like, clutched in his hands... He’s mumbling that he has to show it to me... Then he asks, “Do you know what this is worth?” He keeps staring right at me and not even blinking. I was so freaked out. I was, like... “Oh yes. It’s, uh, really something, isn’t it?”

So the old guy grins at me, and he says... “Then I’ll just give you this instead of money. Now give me everything you’ve got in this store!” That’s what he said! Really! I was like, “What is this? Too weird, my dude!” But I was scared, so I started shoveling over Potions and, like, whatever I could reach. I gave the dude everything for his stupid package. And out he goes, like, with a wicked grin on his face...
As he’s walking out, he says, “Three days... For a mere three days will Hoopa be unbound...” Really! I was all, “Stop freaking me out with this nonsense!” I was, like, sweating. The back of my shirt was soaked. Anyway, nothing I could do, so I open the package. It’s just a dirty old bottle. Li-i-i-i-ike, really. So I go, “Weirdness. Wonder what’s in it.” I grab the stopper and carefully pull it loose. Blapt! It popped open, but there was nothing inside! So I figure I totally got fooled.
...Thanks for listening to my story. Know what? I’m gonna give you the bottle from that night ’cause you’re so nice. It’s not doing me any good anyway. Really.
Sometimes I wonder if it really is only a dirty old bottle. Those last words that the old guy said as he left... “[VAR COLOR(0002)]For a mere three days will Hoopa be unbound[VAR COLOR(0000)]...” Just can’t seem to get that out of my head...
Oh... You’re that kid from that time...
What did you end up doing with that old bottle? Though...I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Really. It’s just, even now, it’s still bugging me, you know? “[VAR COLOR(0002)]For a mere three days will Hoopa be unbound[VAR COLOR(0000)]...” That’s what he said. I just can’t seem to forget it...


片段一:探索古代奥秘!一起加入我们,探索我们在卡洛斯地区沼地发现的精灵波尔凯尼恩吧! …… 探索家:“头……头儿!看到了!波尔凯尼恩!” 布兰登:“噢噢!快退后!不要被它攻击到了,它可是连大山都能轻易打飞的!还能在体内生成超高温使周围的水分瞬间蒸发并产生恐怖的爆炸!” 看锁甲:“差点就挂了!感谢头儿的救命之恩!” 布莱登:“保持警惕!别大意了!”
片段2:探索古代奥秘!一起加入我们,探索我们在神奥地区无人森林发现的精灵波尔凯尼恩吧! …… 探索家:“头……头儿!看到了!波尔凯尼恩!” 布兰登:“噢噢!快退后!看到它背上类似手臂的东西了么!它可以用那东西吸收水分并产生浓雾!如果我们继续逗留则会陷在这浓雾中!” 看锁甲:“差点就挂了!感谢头儿的救命之恩!” 布莱登:“保持警惕!别大意了!”
片段3:探索古代奥秘!一起加入我们,探索我们在成都地区荒岛发现的精灵波尔凯尼恩吧! …… 探索家:“头……头儿!看到了!波尔凯尼恩!” 布兰登:“噢噢!快退后!它可以夷高山为平地!据说古时的陆地就是那样形成的!” 看锁甲:“差点就挂了!感谢头儿的救命之恩!” 布莱登:“保持警惕!别大意了!”

原文:Hot diggidy! That’s a Volcanion you have there, isn’t it?
As far as I know, the people in that group are the only ones in history to have seen this Pokémon. To think that I’d meet a Trainer who not only found Volcanion, but actually caught it!
What a day! I like you, kid! I’m the head of this TV studio. How about I show you some top-secret specials we made about Volcanion?
They’re a little something I made for a TV show once back in the day, but... Well, things didn’t work out, and they ended up getting shelved.
OK! Sit back and enjoy! My top-secret Volcanion specials!
All right! Which clip would you like to watch?
This is a special edition of MVTV: Explorations of the Ancient World! Join us deep in the swamplands of the Kalos region where we found a mythical Volcanion! ... Explorer: “B-boss! There it is! It’s Volcanion!” Brandon: “Oh! Get back! If it blows, it could send even huge mountains flying! It can change moisture into super-heated steam in an instant with its internal organs causing a massive explosion!” Explorer: “That was a close one! Thanks for saving me, boss!” Brandon: “Stay alert at all times! Don’t forget your courage sensor!”
This is a special edition of MVTV: Explorations of the Ancient World! Join us in the untouched woodlands of the Sinnoh region where we found a mythical Volcanion! ... Explorer: “B-boss! There it is! It’s Volcanion!” Brandon: “Oh! Get back! Look at those arm-like things growing out of its back! It uses those to suck in moisture to turn into a thick fog! If we stay here, we’ll be trapped in the fog!” Explorer: “That was a close one! Thanks for saving me, boss!” Brandon: “Stay alert at all times! Don’t forget your courage sensor!”
This is a special edition of MVTV: Explorations of the Ancient World! Join us on a desert island in the Johto region where we found a mythical Volcanion! ... Explorer: “B-boss! There it is! It’s Volcanion!” Brandon: “Oh! Get back! An explosion from Volcanion can even change mountain ranges into plains! It’s thought that ancient land masses were formed in that way.” Explorer: “That was a close one! Thanks for saving me, boss!” Brandon: “Stay alert at all times! Don’t forget your courage sensor!”
How about that?! Quite the spectacle, wasn’t it? That’s our fantastic TV series from the famous explorer Brandon!
All right, that was quite the spectacle! That’s our fantastic TV series from the famous explorer Brandon!



原文:Please, just a moment, mon chou! I need you to attendez!
Do forgive us, young masteristress, for speaking without an introduction. There is a matter of great import that we must discuss. Is it true that you have somehow obtained the Mythical Pokémon Diancie?
Diancie... The inexplicable mutation arising from the Pokémon we know as Carbink... When and where it originates from, and the mécanisme of its formation... It is indeed a mystérieuse existence, one of des plus grands mystères!
Diancie is the epitome of beauty among Pokémon. The divine symmetry of its body enables it to absorb light and display a radiance beyond the awareness of this realm. It is said that, upon Mega Evolving, Mega Diancie emanates a beauty that surpasses all known beauty.
That beauty... It is so dazzling to behold that people call it the “Royal Pink Princess.” Our jeune maître—young master—has been searching for Diancie in order to see this beauty fantastique. And we two have managed to obtain the Diancite that is nécessaire for its Mega Evolution. We have been most ardent to discover a Diancie that we might take back to our young master, to show to him this famed beauté ultime. Yet we have proved unsuitable to the task, unable to secure the indispensable Diancie!
Please allow me to ask you directly... Will you agree to relinquish your Diancie to us?
No way!
All right...
Is there no way we can persuade you?
Mon chou, please... If you could only...
Vraiment? You will? Oh, what a relief to have met with a Trainer so understanding! Then...
Hey, I’m sorry they’ve been bugging you.
Um, you guys... I’m really glad you tried so hard to find a Diancie for me. Truly. But... Well, I think you might be on the wrong track.
I’m not even that into finding a Diancie anymore, you know. What I really want now is a big, tough Pokémon—you know?
So, you’ve got a Diancie, right? How about we give you the Diancite we found? It’d be a crazy waste to have a rare Pokémon like that and never even Mega Evolve it. You know?
That’s what you gotta do, am I right? Mega Evolve them like bam! And then... Pow! Pow! And end that battle in a flash! Even if folks do call it a royal pink whatever, I bet a Mega Evolved Diancie would be crazy strong! Who knows? You keep rolling your way through battles and strolling away with victories! That’s what I wanna see, you know!
OK, you two! Now let’s shoot for a big, tough Pokémon!
Ohoho... Mon jeune maître...



游戏平台:3DSNew 3DS


发售日期:2015-9-5 全部版本发售日
3DS, New 3DS中文版:2015-9-5
Android, iOS中文版:2016-8-30




总分 玩家评分:43 k73评分:45

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