
2014-11-25 15:06:37 k73游戏之家 作者:Lance Lam




虽然标题说了沉船,但是其实要注意的是海紫堇(Sea Mauville)不是船,海紫堇不是船,海紫堇绝对不是船!,这点非常重要,所以要说三次


回到正题,那个粉红色的东西,其实是那个老人【即为 Raizoh Cozmo(英文版)】,在当年因为海紫堇关闭的关係而离开的时候,所遗留下来的向尾喵玩偶(公仔)。

【另外,向尾喵玩偶在英文版中称作Hi Skitty...,是Pokemon世界中的Hello Kitty吗?(这梗...)】


在海紫堇5号房间,有一个训练员说道:『噢!那不就是Hi Skitty玩偶?我记得当它们还在大热的时候...不过,我在想为何它会在这里...这里不就是办公室吗?』



Name: Ra— Coz—o

Base—ay: $—85—9

Overtim—bursement: $1—23”

这大概就是Raizoh Cozmo当年的粮单吧...

在同一个柜中,有一个已经生锈的铁盒,铁盒中收起的,就是楼上所提及的,儿子Takao Cozmo寄给父亲Raizoh Cozmo的信件(和一些相片/画作)。



"Dear Daddy, How are you? Are you working really hard? I’m doing well. I’m doing all my homework, and I’m helping at home, too. Mommy’s working hard and makes us dinner every night. Do you have to work this weekend? Are you going to come home? If you come home, take me to see the star show, OK?

—Takao Cozmo

P.S. I’m going to send you the picture I drew at the Trainers’ School."


-Takao Cozmo

P.S. 我准备把我在训练员学校画的画寄给你。"


It looked like another letter, but it’s a drawing. The drawing is of a boy’s face, and written next to it are the words “I love you, Daddy.”



“Dear Daddy, How are you? Are you working really hard? I was sad that you didn't come last weekend. But Mommy didn't seem so sad. She went out with her friend. I finally got that telescope that I've been wanting. It was from you, wasn't it? Thanks, Daddy. I really, really wanted it. I like looking at the sky, Daddy. When I look at the stars, I wonder if you are looking at the same stars, too. Let’s look at the stars together, next time you come home

—Takao Cozmo”


-Takao Cozmo"


“Dear Daddy, How are you? You aren't working too hard, are you? You never come home anymore. I’m worried if you’re OK. Mommy goes out with her friends a lot. It seems like fun, so I guess she’s doing OK. The Shelgon that you gave me evolved the other day. But I liked it better when it was a Shelgon and it looked like a Meteorite. Salamence was kind of a letdown, so I asked a friend to trade it for his Solrock. I’m sorry, Daddy. I know it was a present, but I think Solrock is cooler. When it gets dark tonight, I’m going to look at the stars again. I’ll think of you when I do. —Takao Cozmo”


-Takao Cozmo"


“Dear Daddy, I was really, really happy to get to meet you the other day. It was so fun playing together again, and going to see the star show, too, even if it was just the two of us. It was sad that Mommy couldn't go, and even more sad when you and Mommy fought that night. I’ll study hard, just like you told me, and I’ll be a good boy, so don’t fight. But let me keep watching the stars, even if I have to do all my homework, too. When I grow up, I want to be a professor and study the stars.

—Takao Cozmo”


-Takao Cozmo"


“Dear Daddy, Thank you for writing to me. I’m doing really well here, so please don’t worry about me. I hope I’ll see you again someday. I dream about it all the time. I brought the telescope you bought me to our new house. Please don’t work too hard, Daddy. I hope you are OK. I will always, always love the stars, and I will always, always love you

—Takao Cozmo

P.S. I’ll give you my Hi Skitty doll. Please take care of it for me.”


-Takao Cozmo

P.S. 我把我的Hi Skitty玩偶给你。请代我照顾它。"


It looked like another letter, but it’s a photo. There’s a little boy holding a telescope, with a woman beside him, looking bored.


至于 Takao Cozmo 到底是谁?

唔...游戏里有一个 Professor Cozmo,又在宇宙中心工作,所以...




