
2014-09-21 20:27:33 k73电玩之家 作者:michaellee0


Monte Carlo " 蒙特卡罗 " Exotic 级 自动步枪


Monte Carlo Method: "Dealing damage with this weapon reduces your Melee cooldown."

蒙特卡罗计算法 : 以此把武器输出伤害时减少近身攻击冷却时间

Smooth Ballistics: "Less recoil. Penalty to range."

平稳弹道 : 牺牲射程以减少后座力

Soft Ballistics: "Less recoil. Penalty to Impact."

降低后座力 ,同时也降低衝击力

Accurized Ballistics: "More range and impact. Increased recoil."

準确弹道 : 提升有效射程及衝击力 , 后座力提升.

Hip Fire: "This weapon has bonus accuracy while firing from the hip."

腰间射击 : 在腰间射击(不使用瞄镜) 的状态下提升準确度

Armor Piercing Rounds: "These iridium-core rounds overpenetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling."

穿甲弹药 : 铱核心弹药会穿透目标. 高面积却使得武器操控性下降.

High Caliber Rounds: "Oversize rounds built to stagger and leaves them reeling. Their mass makes a weapon harder to handle."

大口径弹药 : 巨大的弹药打中目标时会造成目标蹒跚且短暂失去重心. 降低武器操控性.

Relic Iron Rounds: "This ammunition considerably improves Impact, but fewer rounds can be carried in reserve."

遗物弹药 : 大幅度提升弹药衝击力 , 可是减少可携带的弹药.


