2014-12-02 15:44:23 k73游戏之家 作者:小新
Guard:Randomly reduces damage from enemy attacks.(随机降低敌人的伤害)
Critical:Regular attacks randomly inflict extra damage.(随机造成额外的伤害)
Shell:Armor strengthens when reduced to 50% max-health.(生命低于 50% 时护甲强化)
Mana spring:Occasionally spawns extra mana when hit by enemy.(受到攻击时偶尔会增加法力)
Soul Spirit:Team mates become stronger when warrior is knocked out.(英雄被击杀时增加团队威力)感谢帝王的指正。
Retribution:Increase attack power when reduced to final 25% health.(生命低于 25% 时攻击力增加)
Hunter:Boosts elemental power against enemies of weak alignment.(提升属性攻击当敌人为弱势属性时)
Antidote:Reduces damage received from poison.(减少毒性伤害)
Auto Potion:Restores 15% of max-health when warrior is heavily wounded.(受到重击时恢復 15% 生命最大值)
Mana Spring》Healing Strike:Restores health to team if KO is achieved with a Perfect strike.(完美攻击击杀敌人时队伍获得治疗)
Antidote》Neutralize:Reduces elemental damage received from enemies of strong alignment.(减少属性攻击当敌人为强势属性时)
Hunter》Poison Edge:Regular attacks will randomly inflict poison.(普通攻击会随机造成毒害)
Soul Spirit》Fountain:Redistributes health to team if healed while at max-health.(补血对象为满血状态时会补给其他队友)
Retribution》Overkill:Damage overflow when a KO is achieved with a perfect strike.(这个就不是很懂,似乎是完美击杀后攻击力最大化?完美击杀可能伤害溢出到下一位敌人身上)感谢罪与罚的建议
Auto Potion》Recharge:Regain health while warrior is off-screen.(煺场的英雄会持续恢復生命)