2015-12-22 10:16:02 k73游戏之家 作者:小四
* @param substituteMissed
* @desc Sets if substitutions will take place if the skill/item would miss
* This feature's not implemented yet but will possibly be implemented
* @default false
* @param substituteEvaded
* @desc Sets if substitutions will take place if the original target would
* evade the skill/item
* This feature's not implemented yet but will possibly be implemented
* @default false
* @param substituteCountered
* @desc Sets if substitutions will take place if the original target would
* counterattack/reflect the skill/item
* @default false
* @param substituteCounter
* @desc Sets if substitutions will take place if the skill/item's a
* counterattack/reflection of that of another action
* Might cause infinite counter loop with substituteBattlerCounter
* @default false
* @param substituteBattlerMiss
* @desc Sets if the skill/item can miss the substitute battler
* This feature's not implemented yet but will possibly be implemented
* @default true
* @param substituteBattlerEvade
* @desc Sets if the substitute battler can evade the skill/item
* This feature's not implemented yet but will possibly be implemented
* @default true
* @param substituteBattlerCounter
* @desc Sets if the substitute battler can counterattack/reflect the
* skill/item
* Might cause infinite counter loop with substituteCounter
* @default true
* @param substituteBattlerFilters
* @desc Sets the list of filters determining which battler to substitute
* Only movable battlers having the substitute flag will be considered
* The battlers passing the ith filter will proceed to the (i 1)th one
* If only 1 battler passes the ith filter, all the remaining (i j)th
* ones won't be used
* If no battler pass the ith filter, all battlers passing the (i - 1)th
* one will proceed to the (i 1)th one
* Available filters:
* hpMp0 - The battler having 0 hp/mp
* immortal - The战士被免于死亡
* maxcntmrf的战士具有最大碳纳米管/ MRF
* maxevamev的战士具有最大伊娃/ MeV
* maxpdrmdr的战士具有最大PDR / MDR
* maxhpmp的战士具有最大HP / MP
* maxgrd -本有最大的GRD
* maxcev的战士具有最大CEV
* @默认hpmp0不朽的maxcntmrf maxevamev maxpdrmdr maxhpmp maxgrd maxcev
* # Configuration manipulations
* 1. $gameSystem.substituteEdit.param
* - Returns the value of param listed in the plugin manager
* 2. $gameSystem.substituteEdit.param = val
* - Sets the value of param listed in the plugin manager as val
* - All $gameSystem.substituteEdit.param changes will be saved
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