
2014-10-14 16:44:39 k73游戏之家 作者:JustinFan




Pylons can be a hell of a lot of fun to encounter in game, and that’s one of the big reasons we added them to Greater Rifts.


That said, we do agree that pylons, at least in their current form, have had negative effect on Greater Rifts for the top end. Ideally, we don’t want to remove pylons from Greater Rifts, since we like the variety they provide, but we also don’t like the current situation where certain classes and builds are able to defeat a Rift level multiple ranks higher than could normally thanks to a single pylon (in this case, a Conduit Pylon).


As with other factors in Greater Rifts—density, monster types, Rift Guardians, etc—finding a good balance between random vs. predictable is something we’re going to continue to iterate and improve upon for Greater Rifts, and that includes pylons too. Ultimately (as I noted in another post), randomness in Greater Rifts should create positive variety and a sense of excitement. We don’t think we’ve nailed that in all areas just yet, so we appreciate all the discussion and dialog on this topic in the meantime.

我们将不断在大秘境中其他组成中,比如密度,怪物种类,boss,等等中寻找到 随机性和可预测行的平衡,当然也包括改进大秘境中的祭坛。 最终,如我另一个帖子说的,大秘境的随机性应是创造游戏兴奋感。我们不会固步自封,希望这个话题的讨论继续。




