2012-05-28 09:13:51 k73游戏之家 作者:小四
Metro: Last Light was given a Q1 2013 date by THQ nearly two weeks ago. But whereas the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions will all be launching on the same day, the Wii U edition won’t be ready until later in the year.
When asked about the Wii U version of Last Light, head of senior communications Huw Beynon said the following:
“We’ve been working on the Wii U version. At the moment we’re focusing on current-gen or existing platforms and PC, so it’s unlikely that the Wii U verson will come out at the same time as those formats.”
THQ于两周前公布了PlayStation 3, Xbox 360和PC版的《地铁:最后的曙光》将于2013年的第一季发售,而具体日期定于同一天。另外,WIIU版本估计大概要等到年底才能发布了。
当被问及WIIU版上的《地铁:最后的曙光》时,THQ最高执行长官Huw Beynon如下说道:
“我们正在为WIIU版做开发工作了,目前,我们着眼于当前的或现有的平台和个人电脑(PlayStation 3, Xbox 360和PC版),所以我们不可能看到WIIU版会与现有的其它版本在同一时间发售。”