XSEED has said Ragnarok Odyssey is “off to a strong start i terms of pre-orders.” Speaking with Siliconera, the firm’s director of publishing, Ken Berry, said he thinks the title will do “really well,” as the firm had “tons and tons of requests,” for the title. Berry also said the team is working on obtaining the extra content released with the Vita title in Japan, but there are many things to consider such as size limitations. “There is some content that may need to come afterwards,” he said. “We’re working it out with the development team and they definitely want to put as much content on as possible for the US release.” Ragnarok Odyssey is slated for a summer release at retail and through PSN in North America.
XSEED告诉Siliconera说《仙境传说奥德赛》根据预约量来说会有一个强势的首发,该公司的发行指导,Ken Berry,说他认为这游戏会表现得“真的很好”
因为公司在这游戏上接到了大量预定,Ken Berry也说团队正在为该游戏的日版制作额外内容,但是有很多东西需要考量,例如额外内容的大小限制。