2014-10-10 09:21:21 k73游戏之家 作者:小新
Using the GeDoSaTo tool I have enabled upsampling to 1080p that looks much better than the crappy 720p that it comes with. Here are the steps and config that i used to get 1080p. I will also be adding in the correct Hud injection so we can get true FXAA/SMAA without affecting the HUD (will update the config once i get it)
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
# 0 = main monitor resolution
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 60
# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
# lanczos: higher quality and sharp, most expensive performance-wise
# nearest: extremely cheap, generally ugly, but useful to upsample retro games
scalingType bilinear
# Forces the present resolution to be set, regardless of what the game requests
# usually only makes sense in conjunction wit工口GAME-specific plugins
# for games with resolution limits
forcePresentRes true
# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 1280
overrideHeight 720
Step 7: Enjoy!