2013-10-30 10:02:59 k73游戏之家 作者:小小小楊
Unlocks :
Sony PlayStation Exclusive Aveline's Mission Pack : play as Aveline with three unique missions offering a total of 60 minutes of gameplay.
BLACK ISLAND is now available and indicated on your map. Set sail and explore it to collect your rewards
MYSTERY ISLAND is now available and indicated on your map. Set sail and explore it to collect your rewards
SACRIFICE ISLAND is now available and indicated on your map. Set sail and explore it to collect your rewards
An exclusive treasure chest is now available. Visit HAVANA to collect your reward.
An exclusive treasure chest is now available. Visit CAT ISLAND to collect your reward.
An exclusive treasure chest is now available. Visit CROOKED ISLAND tocollect your reward.
3 exclusives treasure chests are now available. Visit FLORIDA, ANDREASISLAND and CAYO ISLAND (584,590) to collect your rewards.
An exclusive treasure chest is now available. Visit the TREASURE ROOM inthe Manor on Great Inagua to collect your rewards.
An exclusive treasure chest is now available. Equip it with the QUICKSELECTOR and find the buried treasure to collect your exclusive rewards.
The DOUBLE MEAT CLEAVER is now available. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABINor a GENERAL STORE.
The WILKINSON FIGUREHEAD is now available. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABINor at a HARBOR MASTER.
The SPILTBLOOD SAILS are now available. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABIN orat a HARBOR MASTER.
The BLACK SKULL SAILS are now available. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABIN orat a HARBOR MASTER.
"MAID OF AMSTERDAM" is now available in your CREW SONG LIST.
The CONNOR SKIN is now available in the MULTIPLAYER.
"THE INITIATE" exclusive TITLE is now available in the MULTIPLAYER.
In recognition of your actions in previous Assassin's Creed titles, youhave been awarded the ALTAIR OUTFIT. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABIN ora GENERAL STORE.
In recognition of your actions in previous Assassin's Creed titles, you havebeen awarded the EZIO OUTFIT. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABIN or a GENERALSTORE.
In recognition of your actions in previous Assassin's Creed titles, you havebeen awarded the CONNOR OUTFIT. Equip it from the CAPTAIN CABIN or a GENERALSTORE.
Exclusive MULTIPLAYER ITEMS are now unlocked.
3 EXCLUSIVES宝箱现已提供。参观佛罗里达,安德烈亚斯岛和CAYO岛( 584590 ) ,收集您的奖励。
黑色骷髅帆现已。从装备的船长舱或在HARBOR MASTER 。
在确认你的行动前刺客信条影片,你已授予牛郎星OUTFIT 。从装备的船长舱或一般商店。,你必须承认你的行动前刺客信条影片被授予EZIO OUTFIT的。从船长舱或一般装备商店。,你必须承认你的行动前刺客信条影片荣获康纳装备。从船长舱或一般装备商店。
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