2015-09-30 08:54:47 k73游戏之家 作者:小新
<无夜之国>游戏偷跑之后关于游戏中的奖杯资料也终于放出了,奖杯一共有49个,从奖杯中我们可以看到很多与剧情相关的内容,溜溜原来是爱纳斯的武器,也难怪祭坛的那个巫女和溜溜长得完全一样,估计真结局是溜溜牺牲变武器 爱纳斯拿着溜溜武器战翻最终BOSS。
Yoru no Naikuni白1 金2 银8 铜38 总49 |
#1Yoru no Naikuni (无夜之国)Unlock all trophies.获得所有的奖杯
#2Fullblown Thorn (怒绽荆棘)Defeat Blueblood Dragon.击败苍血华龙
#3Innocent Toy (天真玩具)Defeat Blueblood Toy.击败苍血铁骑卡露塞尔
#4Defeat Blueblood Toy. (剧院主人)Defeat Blueblood Count.击败苍血伯爵罗杰
#5Chaste Reaper (廉洁死神)Defeat Blueblood Reaper.击败苍血少女米蕾娅
#6Heavy Wall (厚重岩壁)Defeat Blueblood Stonedragon.击败苍血巨岩龙玛布拉斯
#7Royal Guard (唤名者)Defeat Coalin.击败柯林
#8Sorrowful Night (忧世之夜)Defeat Roodgate.击败路德凯特
#9Blooded Lady (纯血淑女)Defeat Mistral.击败弥斯特拉尔
#10Aloofness Player (孤高奏者)Defeat Christforoth.击败克里斯托弗
#11Her Decision (一个终末)Saw any endings.观看任意结局
#12I'm home! (我回来了)Saw extra ending.观看EX结局
#13Summon Beginner (初次召唤)Summon familiar for the first time.第一次召唤从魔
#14Summon Expert (召唤者)Summon familiar for 100 times.召唤100次从魔
#15Summon Master (配合默契)Summon familiar for 1,000 times.召唤1000次从魔
#16Please Accept! (初次下令)Director familiar for the first time.第一次命令从魔
#17Let's Go! (我们上!)Directed familiar for 100 times.给从魔下达指令100次
#18Commander! (指挥官)Director familiar for 1,000 times.命令从魔1000次
#19Come on my Brother! (初次使役)Done actualizing for the first time.第一次使役从魔
#20Familiar Breeder (凭依大师)Done actualizing 40 familiar.使役40匹从魔
#21Actualize Master (使役者)Done actualizing 80 familiar.使役80匹从魔
#22Fledgling Marchant (初次贸易)Trade for the first time.第一次贸易
#23Trade Fan (贸易爱好者)Manage 50% trade area.完成一半贸易空间
#24World Domination! (世界贸易王)Manage all trade area.完成全部贸易空间
#25First Request (初次任务)Done any request for the first time.第一次达成任务
#26Sucker (老好人)Done 100 requests.达成任务100次
#27Handy Woman (岛上便利屋)Done 300 requests.达成任务300次
#28Demanding Task (初次达成斗技场)Clear any task in Colosseum for the first time.第一次完成斗技场课题
#29Battle Freak (战斗狂)Clear 50% tasks in Colosseum.完成一半斗技场课题
#30Colosseum Queen (斗技场霸者)Clear all tasks in Colosseum.完成全部斗技场课题
#31Familiar Collector (从魔收集者)Unlock 50% of the familiar library.从魔图鉴收集率达到50%
#32Familiar Lover (从魔爱好家)Unlock 100% of the familiar library.收集所有从魔
#33Item Aggregator (道具收集家)Unlock 50% of the item library.道具图鉴收集率达到50%
#34Item Mania (道具狂热者)Unlock 100% of the item library.收集所有道具
#35Chain Begginer (连击初学者)Get a 100 chain combo.达成100连击
#36Chain Expert (连击达人)Get a 300 chain combo.达成300连击
#37Chain Master (连击大师)Get a 500 chain combo.达成500连击
#38Devil Beater (邪妖猎人)Kill 100 enemies.击杀100个敌人
#39Devil Hunter (邪妖杀手)Kill 1,000 enemies.击杀1000个敌人
#40Devil Slayer (猎尽万匹邪妖之人)Kill 10,000 enemies.击杀10000个敌人
#41Blaze Demon (炼狱炎鬼)Transformed into the 'Demonic form'.变身恶魔形态
#42Moon Rabit (天真月兔)Transformed into the 'Lunarabit form'.变身月兔形态
#43Phantom Magician (梦幻术士)Transformed into the 'Phantom form'.变身幻影形态
#44Iron Cavalry (铁壁骑兵)Transformed into the 'Iron knight form'.变身重甲形态
#45Nightmare Queen (常夜女王)Transformed into the 'Nightmare form'.变身梦魇形态
#46Magical Flute (魔笛)Capture any dungeon with equipping 'Hamelin pipe'阿娜丝装备『哈梅林之笛』通关迷宫
#47Fragile Edge (红颜薄命?)Capture any dungeon with equipping 'Glass edge'.阿娜丝装备『琉璃之刃』通关迷宫
#48Reliable Companion (值得信赖的伙伴)Any familiar reached max level.任一从魔达到顶级
#49Excellent Agent (最强骑士)Anders reached max level.阿娜丝满级