
2014-12-08 14:39:43 k73游戏之家 作者:小新





New: Solemn Giant

(Energy). Creature, 8/6/4, cost 4. Solemn Giant does not count down. Pay 2 Energy to decrease Countdown by 2. This ability can be used any number of times per turn.

New: Wings Shield (Order). Creature,2/2/3, cost 3. Wings Shield has Armor X, where X is the number of units behind it (combat damage dealt to Wings Shield is decreased by X).

New:Metal Wonder (Energy). Structure,0/-/4, cost: 4. When your opponent plays a Spell or Enchantment, Metal Wonder deals 2 damage to a random idol under their control.

New:Crone (Growth). Creature, 0/3/2,cost 3. When Crone is destroyed in melee combat, the attacking unit is destroyed.

New:Rat King (Growth). Spell, cost 4. Summons a Beast Rat on target tile and two adjacent random tiles.

New: Sister of the Bear (Growth).Creature, 4/2/4, cost 4

New:Storm Runner (Energy). Creature,2/2/3, cost 3. Lobber.

New: Redeploy (Order). Spell, cost 3.All your units on target row switch places with all your units on another target row.

New: Wings Soldier (Order). Creature,3/2/2, cost 2.


