2016-05-11 16:04:33 k73电玩之家 作者:nimazhouasatbd
人类共和国 Commonwealth of Man
The UN-sponsored Ulysses initiative oversaw the construction of six great ark ships in the low Earth orbit in the end of 21st century. The ships werefitted with powerful but unstable wormhole generators and sent towards distant stars carrying quarter million colonist each. None were heard from again,and research into subspace wormhole was soon abandoned.
Yet unbeknownst to Earth,on of the ark ships made it to a lush alien moon and established a flourishing colony. The pioneers who tamed this world were determined to realize humanity's manifest destiny - dominion over the galaxy at any cost.
一、文明特点:军事独裁 Military dictatorship
特性1:崇外的 xenophile
仇外 -10% xenophobic
There exists,in all of us,a deep-seated fascination for the unknown. An adventurous spirit that rejects familiar and glories the unfamiliar. Whatever- or whomever- it may be.
特性2:军国狂热 Fanatic Militarist
军队攻击力 +20% Army damage
联盟影响力消耗 +100% Alliance influence cost
影响力对抗增加 +50% Rivalry influence gain
战争快乐 10% War happiness
The ability to project force is paramount important. The only way to preserve our way of life is to make sure everyone shares it,willingly or not.
军事独裁特性收益:在每一任领导者死亡后举行选举,每个统治者都可以建造旗舰。 海军容量+20%,舰队维护费-5%。
二、人类-哺乳动物 种族特点:
领导人经验值增长速度 +25% quick learn
游牧:迁移时间 -50% nomadic:migration time
再安置消耗 -33% resettlement cost
统一体 Unity
大陆性世界 continental world
红色激光 Red laser
虫洞旅行 Wormhole travel
哺乳类船只 Mammalian ships