
2015-07-16 17:00:52 k73游戏之家 作者:真奶帝國






Slow Sebastian 速度较慢的骑宠,方便你在Trove世界中冒险 70 玩家一开始就拥有该骑宠。

Azulian Fledgling 月夜中的一道黑影 90 使用(消耗) 5 个
Azulian Dragon Soul.
Elder Dragon Fledgling 月夜中的一道黑影 90 参与 Refer-A-Friend
Monarch Dragon Fledgling N/A 90 专精等级 达到 150 级




Azulian Dragon 天空之主,完全与天空融为一体 90 使用(消耗) 15 个
Azulian Dragon Soul.
Elder Dragon 月夜中的一道黑影 90 参与 Refer-A-Friend
Monarch Dragon ?(不会翻译XD) 90 专精等级 达到 200 级


Azorian the Blue 带领自己的后裔为天空领导者 90 使用(消耗) 30 个
Azulian Dragon Soul.
Disaeon the Immortal 月夜中的一道黑影 90 参与 Refer-A-Friend
Valkizer the King of Dragons 万年统治者 90 专精等级 达到 ? 级





Pink Cookiephant 以前的主人吃了牠一口,而他前主人已经不再了。请不要犯下同样的错误 90 稀有的从 Cookiephant Adventurer's Chest 取得
Blue Cookiephant 身上还有着在糖果境界的猎捕者「近距离接触」的疤痕 90 稀有的从 Cookiephant Adventurer's Chest 取得
Eggster Bouncer 躲猫猫的完美标籤 90 稀有的从 Eggster Adventurer's Box取得
Chocolate Chicanery 一点点的捣蛋 90 稀有的从 Eggster Adventurer's Box取得
Truefire Phoenix 无论跑了多久,他永远保持良好状态 90 稀有的从 Phoenix Adventurer's Boxes 取得
Balefire Phoenix 即是撼动黑暗,也从不停歇 90 稀有的从 Phoenix Adventurer's Boxes 取得
Blue Budgie Buddy 这友善的鸟是个狂热跑者 90 稀有的从 Buddy Budgie Adventurer's Chests 取得
Pink Budgie Buddy 这友善的鸟是个狂热跑者 90 稀有的从 Buddy Budgie Adventurer's Chests 取得
Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri 如此新鲜,新鲜到还在动呢! 90 稀有的从 Adventurer's Bento Box取得
Delicious Dragon Roll 充斥着芥末的呛辣 90 稀有的从 Adventurer's Bento Box取得
Kami of Scorched Skies 没有温暖,只燃烧着恨意 90 稀有的从 Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box 取得
Kami of Sheltered Shores 心如止水,直至怒火中烧 90 稀有的从 Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box 取得
Prodigal Peridoter 让财富无所不在 90 稀有的从 Earthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest 取得
Paunchy Dragon Pup 在大肆猎捕后吃了太多的羊 90 稀有的从 Earthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest 取得


Fae Boughskimmer 在绿荫中衝浪 90 稀有的从 Chaos Chests 取得
Prancing Pinata 生活就是派对! 90 1% 机率从 Party Animal 取得
Nimble Nimbus 你若胡思乱想,便有可能失足 90 1% 机率从 天空境域
Crystallized Clouds 获得
Chaos Hound 腐败壮大了野兽 90 稀有的从 Chaos Chests 取得
Radiant Steed 乐观从战争号角响起时一同灰飞烟灭 90 稀有的从 Radiant Caches 取得
Restless Eye 这眼睛不能坐视不管 90 从 Shadowy Market 商店购买
Bouncy Ladybug 在激列的战争后出生,有着更辽阔的人生观 90 稀有的从 Chaos Chests 取得
Runemaster's Record 持续记载你的旅途与写下此行的纪录 90 稀有的从 Chaos Chests 取得


Booster Seat 稍作休息 90 1,625
Overlord Omniseat 从这机动载具的力量寻找你的领土 90 1,625/ 10,000
Love Seat 凸显最强大的力量 90 1,625/ 10,000
Sprinkles 最喜欢吃冰淇淋了 90 1,625
War Horse 战争的代名词 90 1,625
Neon Nightcycle 尾形 90 1,625
Trovian Supercycle Trove 造型车 90 $20 Power Pack
Uni-Cycle 梦寐以求的时尚,神话逸骑 90 1,625
Racing Raptor 聪明女孩 90 900/ 4,000
Awesome Ball 惊奇的坐骑就是要有着惊奇的容貌 90 900/ 4,000
Stormy 今天乌云密布,看来可能会有机会出现「马风」 90 900/ 4,000
Sebastian 我只是诚实了点,没甚么大不了的 90 900/ 4,000
Ancient Cubits 这五个钱如此古老,而且还各持己见 90 10,000
Shadow Pinata 风靡一时的地下舞会 90 1% 的机率从 Shadow Pinata 取得
Rampage Raptor 更多朋友,更多乐趣! 90 未知
Arcanium Crawler 能爬过各种严峻地形的蜘蛛 90 包含在 Steam Pack 中
Spite Biter 有人试着洗他,就一次 90 包含在 Necrofancy Pack 中
Boneweaver 用蛛丝与骨头,织出一个称为「家」的挂毯 90 包含在 Necrofancy Pack 中




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Questing Equestrian Always on the road looking for the next adventure. 90 Achieving the Diamond Quest Completion Badge. (Currently Unobtainable)
Infineon Charger Break through enemy formations atop this unstoppable force. 90 Achieving the Diamond Boxes Opened Badge. (Currently Unobtainable)
Radiant Ruminant Some believe rain is caused by its hooves trampling the clouds. 90 Achieving the Diamond Total Days Badge. (Currently Unobtainable)
Striding Starchaser Every night chasing the same dreams. 90 Achieving the Diamond Consecutive Days Badge. (Currently Unobtainable)




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

PWN-E Hay is for Horses, monster tears are for PWN-E. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Infinity PWN-E It doesn't go faster, but it's a whole lot more stylish. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Skully Just a bag of bones. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Moulder The strength of its belief is the only thing that keeps it going. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Springy Sporeling The fun part of 'fungus.' 90 Crafted in the Gardening Bench.
Tundra Thresher This surefooted saurian scoffs at glaciers and snowy steps. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Floating Formula Be uplifted by your accumulated knowledge. 90 Crafted in the Runecrafting Bench.
Scoops A magical creature of pure fun and sugar. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Jouncing Jellyfish Capable of surviving and thriving out of the water. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Enchanted Jellyfish So magical, you don't even need to add water! 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.

Shadow Arena



Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Dream Brony Sometimes called nightmares, these steeds fear no darkness. 90 Crafted in the Shadowy Market.
Magic Carpet Trapped in a prison of shadow it now flies free. 90 Crafted in the Shadowy Market.
Insanisteed This courser turns chaos into your personal cavalcade. 90 Crafted in the Shadowy Market.




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Regal Recliner Take a load off. Majestically! 90 Mastery Rank 40.
Cycle of the Master Pristine condition. 90 Mastery Rank 90.

Treasure Isles



Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Fast Frank Eat it, Oscar. 90 Glim (9,000)
Gadget Cat Techno Gato. 90 Glim (9,000)
Jelly Knight Champion of the Candy Kingdoms. 90 Flux (7,000)
Jade Larvorghini This bug is a pro at larval locomotion. 90 Glim (9,000)
Battle Catterpillar Leads a double life as a shy little bug until you call it to do battle. 90 Glim (9,000)
Candorian Caterpillar This wiggly gummy worm will sugar rush you to where you need to be. 90 Glim (9,000)
Rodeo Cowterpillar Not the smoothest of rides, but it mows lawns nice and even. 90 Glim (9,000)




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Pemblock Maxes out your cuteness stat. 90 Drops rarely in Adventure Worlds.
Pember So cute you burst into flame! 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Zombie Pemblock Pemblock, but the dead version. You get it? 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Pemburr the Caroling Corgi All bundled up for extra snuggliness! 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Pemborg Resistance is futile, you will be awwww-asimilated. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Infinium Pemborg Updated with QT-OS 7.77 for optimum adoribility. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Pembarr Saltiness isn't this sea-dog's deal. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Martial Meownt This armored steed is all claws and steel. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Immortal Meownt Rather lively, for a bag of bones. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Steam Meownt Powered by barely comprehensible technology. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Permafrost Meownt This cool cat was born to dash through snowy fields. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Magic Meownt These fantastical felines can often be found frolicking in fae forests. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Mecha-Meownt A robotic cat with boundless energy for running and playing. 90 Crafted in the Crafting Bench.
Meownt This rideable cat is still a cuddly kitten at heart. 90 Drops rarely in Adventure Worlds.




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Rich Raptor Made some investments during the great limestone Boom of the late Cretaceous. 90 Achieve 50 Patron Points.
Primblock Years of fine breeding to match your pedigree. 90 Achieve 100 Patron Points.
Fancy Carpet Hover high above the commonfolk. 90 Achieve 200 Patron Points.




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Spring Pinata Spring forth with vim and vigor. 90 1% Drop from a Spring Pinata.
Summer Pinata Ready to hit the beach, the pool, or the dance floor. 90 1% Drop from a Summer Pinata.
Autumn Pinata The life of the party. 90 1% Drop from an Autumn Pinata.
Winter Pinata The life of the party. 90 1% Drop from a Winter Pinata.
Smashing Pumpkin Don't ride it in the mosh pit unless you want to make a mess. 90 Craftable in the Shadowy Station.
Springing Turkey Leaps and bounds ahead of the competition 90 Rare drop from Turkeytopia Mystery Box.
Rudolph Raptor Doesn't play any raptor games. 90 Buy from the Store duringSnowfest.
Snug Snowman All wrapped up to play in the snow! 90 Rare drop from Snowfest Mystery Box.
Reveling Reindeer Brings boisterous glee to all the boys and girls. 90 Rare drop from Snowfest Mystery Box.




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Magic Trove Carpet Made from real Troves. 90 PAX or Stream Giveaway. CODE ONLY mount!
Robo Raptor This roving robotic ravager is reserved for those in tune with data streams. Trove streamers will occasionally give these out during live stream giveaways. 90 Trove streamers will occasionally give these out during live stream giveaways during BETA testing only. CODE ONLY mount!
50px Curse Kami N/A 90 Users who have a Curseaccount are given a code of this mount in for the celebration of Trove's releaseLINK. CODE ONLY mount!

In Progress



Movement Speed

[Collapse] Obtained

Baleful Bulltergeist N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Benevolent Bovine N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
50px Blacklight Neon Cycle N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Blood Throne N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Blue Manta Ray Cheer her up with a backscratch! 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Bone Throne N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Dragon Tiger N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Giant Fae Panda N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Giant Red Panda N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Green Manta Ray Negative carbon footprint. 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Kami of Forlorn Forests N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Neon Swathcutter End of line. 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Polar Dragon Tiger N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Porter Potty N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Sabertooth Tiger N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Saltwater Taffy Ray N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Shadow Manta Ray N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Steam-Powered Bronze Bovine N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Torched Taurus N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Trove-mobile N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches
Tundra Thunderer N/A 90 Will be implemented in future patches




Movement Speed

[Collapse] Imported in...

Magic Carpetapillar You realize this isn't how you are supposed to ride it, right? 90 Forge More, Better Edition
Swanky Snowman This dapper dude has a fondness of frosty frolicking. 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Ocelot Meownt That's a lot of awesome in one horse-sized feline. 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Polar Caterkiller Someone managed to domesticate one of Permafrost's most ferocious predators somehow. 90 More Boots More Fun Edition
Silver Tabby Meownt Purebred by Frost Fae royalty over many generations to the most regal of bearings. 90 Meownt and Candy Fishing Edition
Black Meownt Nothing to fear. Or is there? 90 Meownt and Candy Fishing Edition
Springy Dark Sporeling N/A 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Carom Cupcake N/A 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Bouncy Bro N/A 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Bounding Golden Beetle N/A 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Sproingy Skull N/A 90 Patch - 2/17/15 - Dance Off Edition
Levitating Broomstick It doesn't quite fly, but it's still pretty fly. 90 Forge More, Better Edition
Crazy Busy Caterpillar Always racing to and fro, getting people places on time. 90 More Boots, More Fun Edition


