2015-07-03 11:09:55 k73游戏之家 作者:小新
新手问: 我的帐号为什么莫名其妙被锁?
很不幸的, 我知道有些新手朋友们会遇到这种问题, 通常可以被归纳到以下叁个已知塬因
所以呢, 我在这边开一个完整的注册流程, 希望对各位才刚完一天就被锁的人能够好好阅读先
步骤一: 网站注册 ( 注册网址点这边 )
步骤二: 进入信箱启动确认信
步骤叁: 登入游戏帐号
步骤四: 去信箱收取确认码
步骤五: 输入验证码并启动游戏
新手问: 我等了很久都没有启动确认信?
Gmail - 检查你的促销内容分页, 很有可能被丢到那边
Yahoo - 检查你的垃圾信箱
Hotmail - 应该就跟我的贴图一样应该在收件夹内会看到, 否则也去捞捞看垃圾信箱吧
但是要是无论怎样还是没有收到的话, 请尝试依照下面这个步骤做看看
第一步: 从官网登入Trion帐号 ( 登入连结请点此 )
第二步: 要求重新送信
点选完要求验证后, 他会再次跟你确认, 再点一次
新手问: 但是我很希望能够把我的主帐号解锁?
这个部分可能就比较棘手, 请自行写信 (以下是範本) 至官方的信箱 appeals@trionworlds.com
主旨: Inquiry on account <你的信箱>
To whom it may concern,
I'm writing this email because I have found out that my account has been banned for apparently no reason, I have just started this game (for <多少> days). According to my friend, he said that I need to write to this email address to ask for an appeal, and here are the following requested information that was supplied on his ticket:
Date of birth on file (mm/dd/yyyy): <注册帐号时的生日日期>
Your game product code (CD key): <游戏序号 - 可不填>
First and Last name: <姓和名>
Last 4 digits of the credit card on file (if any): <帐号上信用卡卡号后四码 - 可不填>
PayPal email address on file (if any): <帐号上注册Paypal的信箱 - 可不填>
The creation date of your account - This can be found by reviewing the date of the first email you received from Trion Worlds (mm/yyyy): <帐号建立日期 - 可以从你从Trion收到的第一封信判断>
Your IP address (visit whatismyip.com): <你的IP位置 - 可从http://www.whatismyip.com查询>
Your character name(s): <你的脚色名称>
Your Country of Origin on the account: Taiwan (或你自己的国家名称)
I'd like this to be resolved as soon as possible, so I can continue enjoy this game. Thank you very much!